Monthly Archives: December 2021
LINQuist: Query Syntax

If you found Lambda Syntax difficult to work with, then Query just might be what you were looking for. What Makes It So “Special”? Unlike Lambda Syntax, you don’t have to chain coaches of methods one after the other and worry about the anonymous functions not having enough brackets to bottle up its logic in…
AA: How Are Your Bots Doing?

If this is the first article you’re reading on my blog, then you’re probably confused. If you are new to RPA, then welcome aboard the Automation Spaceship! You might want to go through the first two articles in my 5-Star Developer Series before we active hyperdrive and blast off to infinity. Why Perform Analytics on…
LINQuist: Lambda Syntax

LINQ is not easy to wrap your head around. Heck, even I find myself struggling with it from time to time, especially when the problem comes sandwiched with layers upon juicy layers of complexities. It’s a struggle to find any resource out there which describes it in layman terms, other then the technical descriptions which…
Web Automation Finally has Its Own Package!

Actually, I’m a little late to the party because the Web Automation Family had moved into their new apartment months back. You Mean To Say We Couldn’t Automate Websites Earlier? No, no, we could automate websites alright, we just didn’t have a set of Actions specifically built for Web Automation. Earlier, we had to rely…
Using DLLs in Automation 360

C# is a fairly advanced programming language. But don’t let that “fairly advanced” scare you off. Like most programming language, C# is easy if you study the basic concepts that govern it. If you nail a concept or two each day, then learning C# will be a walk in the park… Provided you have a…
Why Learn LINQ?

LINQ is pretty darn useful. Not only does it generate instant results, it also makes you look a lot smarter than you actually are. But what value does it bring to RPA developers, who already have hundreds upon hundreds of click and drag activities to rely on? Also, why learn LINQ, when you can simply…
Advanced Xpath Concepts to Boil Your Brain

What are Xpaths you ask? Think of them as tiny connectors which enable us to interact with elements present inside Web Applications. Why cover Advanced Concepts in Xpaths Before covering Basics you ask? Xpaths are super easy to learn. You can learn them in less than a day if you understand HTML…but to answer your…