Tag Archives: web automation
Automate Incognito…But Why?

We’ve all used Chrome’s incognito mode for reasons I am not about to go into. So why do we do it? Let me rephrase that, why do we use incognito? What’s so special about it? Adding to What We Already Know It hides your activity online…well sort of, but yeah. Incognito doesn’t store the history,…
Web Automation: Five Tips To Keep You Invested

Welcome, again. We are going to explore the Web Automation Package, again. Why “Again”? Because I failed to address the topic properly last time. I got distracted (no surprise there) and rambled on about my department hopping journey. Storytime is supposed to be short and sweet, not long and salty. Web Automation Package, Revisited I…
Web Automation Finally has Its Own Package!

Actually, I’m a little late to the party because the Web Automation Family had moved into their new apartment months back. You Mean To Say We Couldn’t Automate Websites Earlier? No, no, we could automate websites alright, we just didn’t have a set of Actions specifically built for Web Automation. Earlier, we had to rely…
Advanced Xpath Concepts to Boil Your Brain

What are Xpaths you ask? Think of them as tiny connectors which enable us to interact with elements present inside Web Applications. Why cover Advanced Concepts in Xpaths Before covering Basics you ask? Xpaths are super easy to learn. You can learn them in less than a day if you understand HTML…but to answer your…