Monthly Archives: January 2022
Web Automation: Five Tips To Keep You Invested

Welcome, again. We are going to explore the Web Automation Package, again. Why “Again”? Because I failed to address the topic properly last time. I got distracted (no surprise there) and rambled on about my department hopping journey. Storytime is supposed to be short and sweet, not long and salty. Web Automation Package, Revisited I…
Do NOT Send These Mails: Taking Leaves

Welcome to another edition of “Don’t Send These Mails”! Today, we will draft mails requesting our manager for a day off. I have to warn you though, try any of the stunts being performed here and not only will you receive the day off, but the following days as well. It’s a special event called…
LINQuist: Where

Now that you are familiar with both Lambda and Query Syntaxes, we will explore the methods one by one – or at least the ones I believe are incredibly useful, starting with Where. Filter With Ease Using Where, you can easily filter collections. If you are trying to filter DataTables, you are better off using…
Excel as a Database: What Else Can I Do With It?

When you are tasked with building bots which will process really large spreadsheets, what would you do? Would you use the Excel Action Package and wait for the bot to loop through each record? Or would you dump that task onto the junior developers and guilt trip them for not taking this as a “learning…